Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Which comes first: The blood count or the fever?

Spoke to Dorothy - my case manager - apparently my doctor thinks my fever is being caused by my very high blood count. So the shot to make sure my blood counts are high enough is clearly not needed when I get Taxol (what my doctor thought) but apparently the high blood count makes my body think I have an infection and is causing the fever. So no infection and I can take tylenol and more importantly the tylenol with codeine when needed over the next couple of days. The irony is that they are super worried about people on chemo having fevers because of worries of low blood counts (and not being able to fight infection) so the drugs to keep my blood counts high had driven me to the ER for constant checking.

In an effort to try and go back to an optimistic half-full kind of outlook I'll list the positive aspects of this all.

1) I apparently haven't had any of the traditional taxol side effects - no neuropathy, no bone pain. So maybe Thursdays treatment will be straightforward and this will be okay.

2) Going to the emergency room did get me the tylenol with codeine which hopefully will help me get rid of this cough once and for all and might in fact be the nicest Valentine's gift I've gotten in a while.

3) The taxol on Thursday is bound to whack my blood cell count some so that should get rid of the fever.

4) I apparently can make sense when feverish, as I seemed to do a good job at the conference I participated in on Friday.

Okay this might be reaching - I am pretty relieved that I don't have some infection that doesn't seem to end and it means that I don't have to basically start wearing a mask and avoiding all human contact.

1 comment:

  1. what a relief - thanks for updating - we are all very concerned about your condition and are with you in spirit even though I for one am stuck in Taipei.

    with much love,
    - Mary Lou
