Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Healing well and dreaming of beaches

I don't have much to report. I am actually feeling pretty good and just waiting to hear what's next. I have my tickets to St John's so going to the beach is happening, in the meantime trying to get caught up on the state of the world (bleak) and the states(even bleaker). At some point people (meaning legislators) have to realize that paying for health care will take more than a millionaire's tax - i find it ironic that the fed is acting more like states.

I am mostly off drugs and feeling okay though trying to remember to not overdo it. I have two doctor's appts on Thursday (oncologist and plastic surgeon) but I think the first appointment is mainly to check in and I want to ask her if I would be eligible for a study that has people take a drug to help strengthen bones and they are examining to check if it helps lower the probability of cancer metastasizing into the bones. (Bones are where breast cancer tends to metastasize if it is going to.) Otherwise - not sure what we are covering except to go over the biopsy results.

The other appointment is with the plastic surgeon to check on how my healing is going. I'm not a doctor but things look like they are healing well. My big question is when and if we will be expanding my expander. I'm not sure I've never spent so much time trying to figure out the right set of clothes to wear to not put too much pressure on healing areas yet try and mask the difference in size.

The question of expansion I think mainly needs to be figured out before I start radiation. Once I'm marked and they figure out angles for the radiation zapping I don't think they will expand - it seems like it would screw up the math and physics. So in some ways there is a which comes first question that needs to be answered but I think will probably need to wait until the following week when I meed with the radiation oncologist and the plastic surgeon who will be doing my reconstruction and figure out if they will expand me and then we'd start radiation. I'm hoping that we start radiation sometime early in August as I'm hoping to go to Brussels towards the end of September.

I've also joined facebook but am not totally clear how much I will be on it and how much and if I'll talk about my cancer on facebook and how much I will post there. I'm still trying to figure it out - and how many groups to join.

Other news which not sure if I've mentioned is I've started going without the wig permanently. Generally gotten good comments and in general while the DC summer has seemed pretty mild it is a lot cooler to have the short hair. I find myself watching the Colbert report and watching the progress of my hair as compared to his -(after being shorn while in a war zone). I seem to be winning.

1 comment:

  1. Kim: great seeing you today (and as I've told you already, your short hair is adorable), and I've found your blog... Love the "Colbert hair" metric.
