Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Third time's the charm

I just got back from meeting with my general surgeon and the news from the pathology report is very good. The good news is that my chest wall/muscle is clear of cancer, so that is a huge relief in terms of prognosis. There were, however, some cancer cells found in my lymphovascular system in 9 of 25 regions. So the cancer is contained and doesn't seem to have gone further but the decision to go ahead with the mastectomy instead of trying another re-excision was a good one. Other news is that my organizing biopsy cavity has exuberant foreign body giant cell reaction - which i think translates into my body kicks ass at healing (i.e., the tissue and cells were working hard to take care of the hole created by the first surgery). My stitches and skin look, good so healing is going well and things in general look good.

The meetings with the plastic surgeon also went well so people in general are happy with my healing. I'm guessing I will have the second drain removed on Thursday and it looks l like I am on track to move on to radiation beginning in August. It also seems likely that my drug taking days may be numbered. Already have permission to cut way down on the percocet and Dr. E. (the general surgeon) seemed to think I can cut back on the valium as the skin is healing well - if there was a lack of oxygen the skin would be looking black and necrotic - now it just looks a little bruised.

If I stick with starting radiation at the beginning of August, I might be able to take a trip in my future. Thinking about coming to CA, but might trade that in for a beachier/resort vacation given the surgeons seem to think I will be okay to go in water and once radiation starts - excess sunlight will be bad for me.

On other news I went into work today - sans wig and with drain. Figuring out what one wears to cover up random artificial tubes and bruising was a little interesting but seemed to work. I have dyed the gray in my hair and now need to figure out where to store Jackie and Kiki. I figure when my boss showed up for work after a week off for neck neurosurgery and on drugs the gauntlet was thrown down. Though, between the two of us, remembering details did seem a little like a bad comedy routine.

Anyway I'll be more in touch with those of you I haven't called back and in general things are going well if I'm still tired and do seem to need regular naps.

Thanks again to all of you for your good thoughts and generous gifts.



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