Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm okay but bad things do come in threes

I spoke to my surgeon's assistant who had my radiologist report from my mri and everything looked normal. She said they look at it when it comes in and if anything was odd they definitely would call me before my appointment.

Of course prior to my kind of paranoid call I found out another person I know just had a biopsy come back positive for cancer. Yuck - cancer really does suck.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Trying hard not to freak out

Sorry I've been so lax in blogging - life got busy and I wasn't sure I had much to report. I am waiting to go to G-town for an MRI (to confirm things are still on track) and should be getting some long overdue work done, but... I found out this weekend about two cases of recurrence. My friend Elizabeth's mother's cancer has come back (again) and while trawling my friend's kid blog, I found out another person she knows just found out she has tumors from invasive breast cancer (after battling inflammatory breast cancer a few years ago). It might be good that it is new and not that the original breast cancer had metastasized but it seems patently unfair to have invasive breast cancer after you don't have breasts. (It was in her lymph nodes.)So my prayers and thoughts are with Whymom - someone I don't know but seems totally kickass and amazing and the folks in Chicago who have done this too many times already.

So I'm mainly sending out good thoughts for both of them that this time around things go as smoothly as can be hoped for each of them and counting on a clear mri.