Thursday, May 27, 2010

Goodbye mediport

Just wanted to blog to let folks know I had my (hopefully) last surgery today. It went really well, I think. The mediport is out :) fat was filled and a nipple was built. In the end I didn't get to decide where the fat was taken from - he took from my outer thighs which feel like I was beaten up. Toying with the idea of setting up a pool over what color they will be on what day. Right now they are reddish but I'm guessing black and blue by the weekend. My legs are the only area that hurt and it really isn't bad and I have pills to take.

Tracy took me to the hospital and spent the day. There probably are easier ways to have quality time but hanging out and watching bad tv was pretty fun.

Anyway will post more when I'm willing to use my computer on my lap or i decide sitting at a table is okay. Now it's time to take percocet and Ativan and go to sleep.

Thanks for supporting me through this whole process. Sweet dreams.