Friday, April 10, 2009

Sleeping Through The Night

I just slept from 11:30 to 6:45 and woke up feeling good if a little amazed. It scary to wake up and wonder how it can possibly not be 2 or 4 in the morning. It also is slightly ironic as i had a coke at lunch which increased my caffeine level. I also seem to have had a 24-hour fever free period which might be causal.

Yesterday was an okay day - I had the MRI early in the morning - nothing like trying to psych yourself up while the machine is knocking and noisy and a fire alarm is ringing - and this is all before it was my turn. The MRI went smoothly though was interesting given I have been drooly and having some reflux. I was also a bit of a disaster before the test given a certain amount of spasming in my hands. I managed to spill water - twice, couldn't work the key to the locker to store my clothes and generally was a bit of a dropping fool. People were all very nice - there's something about mentioning that you just finished your 8th round of chemo that makes people really sympathetic. I will find out the results from the MRI on Tuesday and will report back. I'm hoping my positive talk to my body about how the chemo should have scooped out the tumor in a regular pattern or shrunk it evenly still worked even in the chaos which was the imaging department.

Afterward I went and had my blood drawn. Of course, accessing my veins twice in a morning couldn't possibly go smoothly. It took two tries to access a vein to get my blood work done afterward. I think the heroic vein on my left arm in the crook has been accessed too many times, but they eventually got blood from my right hand. He did seem to think about reaccessing the recently accessed vein which just seemed too creepy to go back in and work it again. I did decide that I was too exhausted and felt it would be too much to go into work with my three bandages and pin-cushion look. I did miss a TPC tax day event over who should pay taxes which is too bad as it went really well but I will listen to the podcast later on.

I called in later Thursday and did hear from my case manager that my blood counts are good - higher than normal but not freakishly so. So I'm hopeful that this weekend will be fairly non-eventful and might be able to think that chemo is officially over :).

Anyway - I should get up and go to work - which I haven't really successfully done this week. I hope you all have a great weekend and a happy Easter. (Is that the right word for the rising of one's good from the dead?) May all eggs be found and not too much chocolate eaten at one sitting.

Of course - I still have reflux and some other stomach issues but I'm guessing they will resolve and everything seems better with no fevers and a functional immune system.

1 comment:

  1. mazel tov. So happy for you that this stage is almost over... we hosted 16 people for the first seder and went to a "chocolate seder" last night - very interesting ;)
