Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Let's Shake Things Up

I decided it was time to change colors to try and shake things up. Not sure it is an attitude adjustment or a stab at letting the universe settle back down. In any case, while somewhat nervous about Thursday's treatment - I'm hoping that after its over this will all feel palpably closer to being done.

At least I'm hopeful that I won't have a fever next time.

On a side note - can someone go to Sacramento and just shake the Republicans - when did their job become to never pass taxes rather than to govern the state. How did the state get here? Yes they don't want to raise taxes but pledging never to raise taxes seems utterly and totally irresponsible. Can't they just grow up and take the needs of the state above them. Of course it seems like the republican talk radio guys are the problem.

How can anyone think having the economy shut down - laying off workers won't actually help the economy - shutting down infrastructure projects because you can't reach a budget.

Can we point out that even the Republican hero - Ronald Reagan raised taxes. Of course, dems aren't blameless - the whole state needs to be redistricted so that some of these districts are competitive and don't need to be beholden to the fringe element of each party.

1 comment:

  1. Groovy new colors!

    Good luck today! Hope it goes well. Almost three-quarters of the way!

