Saturday, January 17, 2009

Its cold and parking is hell but my dishwasher works well

So not sure how much posting about inauguration is going to happen. I think I've made the decision I need to hibernate - 10-20 degrees, hoardes of people is just too much to handle. It seems like DC is starting to get crazy - at least the ability to drive and park seems to be going downhill.

Left work and drove home about 5:30 - people didn't really know what they were doing. Driving through Dupont required much patience and then I couldn't find parking so went grocery shopping. The upside is I now have food to last me through the weekend - it then took a full 40 minutes to find a parking spot but it might have been standard kids going out to bars in Dupont circle. I was home and settled by 8:00. I did end up making a right turn and then a u-turn to park in the empty space on the other side of the street to get a parking spot. I managed to inconvenience a cab and then there was a car full of 20 year olds who casually pulled up and wanted the space but backed off pretty quickly. I would have totally made them leave if they tried to take my spot. Yes for those in the suburbs - parking in DC on weekends is sometimes a full contact sport and the fact that half the parking will be suspended and there are way too many people around will probably make parking impossible. But I am now parked with food and have come to term with the idea that I will watch much of the activities on tv.

At some point last evening I ended up developing some mouth issues I may have a sore and my tongue feels terrible and suddenly gatorade isn't my go-to drink of choice (after buying another 3 bottles). I will however now eat the oatmeal and use the mouthwash and stuff I bought before beginning and the upside might be an end to the constant eating that had been happening.

On the dishwasher front, I ran it with dishes last night and it did a kick ass job and was supoer quiet so I am now washing all my dishes.

It's too cold and I feel too lousy for it to make sense to go to concerts, or watch the inauguration and parade but I am bummed out about the timing of everything. I'm trying to focus on how good it will be for Obama to finally take power and hopefully we can start addressing some of the problems facing the country but am bummed about missing out on the craziness. So for those going to events, have fun but you might want to stress the cold and lack of toilet paper and not the amazement of being part of this historic event when we talk about it. I didn't really sleep last night so maybe I will be more upbeat as the weekend goes on.

Anyway - I hope others are enjoying the long weekend.


  1. I was out in the Circle today doing errands and it was wicked, wicked cold!!! Brrrr.... Plus there are all these crazy emergency no parking signs everywhere. The city is degenerating into a nightmare!!!

    I really wished I had stayed in and watched West Wing and Law and Order marathons!!!


  2. Those people on TV looked COLD and MISERABLE and like they WISHED THEY WERE AT HOME.

    Okay, they didn't really, but I've been watching from the comfort of my own home & it's still exciting.

    Love you.

  3. Who knew I would predict today so well on Saturday? Am happy that I was able to spend part of Inauguration Day with TaxFox watching a medley of West Wing marathon shows and parade coverage.

    Alas, tix to the Capitol Grounds were very, very overrated in the end. Sadder for those who traveled from all over the country than for the locals, of course. But we have a new President, and that's more important than any disappointments surrounding the ceremony. So many challenges ahead for our new pres, and for us all.

    (Btw, metro seemed to run quite well, so I want to give credit where credit was due.)

    Thoughts going out to all... My beloved Senator and awesome friends and family especially.

