Thursday, July 9, 2009

Drain's out so now all bionic parts are covered by skin

Okay - so they really aren't bionic - just artificial stuff in my body that come with little explainer cards. I'm not exactly sure what a bionic breast expander would do - but I'm thinking it could be like something out of an Austin Powers movie.

Today's visit went well - my stitches are healing well, drainage was fairly minimal so the doctor took out the drain. Super excited to not have random external tubing attached but I must admit that in some ways the most exciting part of drain removal may be that I can stop taking antibiotics.

Some of you might think between the narcotics, anti-anxiety pills, chemo drugs, steroids I wouldn't have such strong feelings about antibiotics. After all, the discovery of them has saved countless lives, and general makes people well. I'm sure they've helped me in the past but the fact that I seem to regularly have strange reactions to them that leads to quizzical/skeptical looks from medical professionals hasn't helped. And the fact that I seem to have taken more an tibiotics in the last 6 months than in the rest of my life is just sort of interesting. When running the fever most likely related to the taxol they had me on antibiotics and then when I was hospitalized for neutropenia (or a non-functional immune system) I seem to have developed my foot neuropathy after taking one of the antibiotics in the hospital and then thrush and other yeast infections.

I have been very good about taking my antibiotics, which I do understand they need to give you when you have things like drains coming out of your body but do find it incredibly strange that my reaction to said drug (Cefadroxil) was to immediately pass out and enter deep narcoleptic sleep for 2-3 hours. Interesting sleep schedule given I was taking them around 8 - to sleep that much in the morning and evening, left me often awake for that lovely 2-4 am period of time.
I read, did random number puzzles and listened to npr so did manage to avoid ordering shammies or other late night products.

You might be thinking it was the valium or percocet that knocked me out given their labels suggested this could happen, but the antibiotic knock-out happened even when I wasn't on any of the other drugs. I've also had some occasional nausea which has happened only when circumstance has made me stay awake in those post anti-biotic hours. It really was the only thing i was on this morning and there really wasn't anything to be nervous about at this appointment as compared to say Tuesday's appointment when biopsy results were given. Dr J. also commented today about how much better I've been this week at my appointments than last Thursday's and I didn't have the heart to explain it wasn't the surgery recovery but the fact that I suddenly had to function after taking the antibiotic without the benefit of my 2 hours of unconsciousness.

An additional bonus from said antibiotic has been a yeast infection but at least this time around it didn't come with thrush (knock wood) so all in all we can at least say this was a less bad antibiotic reaction than during chemo It is however strengthening my attachment to Cipro my favorite antibiotic which seems to do none of these things to my body and was what I took after surgery number 1.

In happier news both sets of surgeons seem to think my traveling at the end of the month seems totally fine. I was thinking about going to SF to see visit with friends but that might be traded in for a trip back to the Carribbean and St John. I love you guys, but last summer's trip to Caneel Bay was incredibly relaxing, beautiful and swimming with the fishes (in a good literal, non- metaphorical sense) was so great it might have to be repeated in the limited period of time when I am allowed to be exposed to both sunlight and immersed in water. Caneel Bay also has the total advantage of enough beaches (they have 7) that some are basically empty and I won't scare young children with my current rather lumpy appearance. The fish are rather forgiving of odd body shapes and, all comments about bionics aside, I in no way resemble Elizabeth Hurley or the other fembots.

I did however get to take some more naked upper torso shots. Not really sure what they do with all these pictures but I am happy not to have any tattoos or distinguishing marks which will make my shots obvious. As with my drug-taking, topless shots also seems to be an activity that seems to be occuring infinitely more frequently in my 40s than 20s.

That's all for now - I apologize to all if I have ruined the secret of the second Austin Powers movie.


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